Obama’s Adrenochrome Birthday Bash
By Michael Baxter @Real Raw News
August 14, 2021
By now the world is aware of Obama’s super-spreader birthday bash, a lalapalooza of a party where 200-300 maskless guests—scaled down from a potential 1,000—tore up the dance floor to the smooth sounds of Deep State operatives Jay-Z and Beyonce. What the public has not seen, however, is what happened in private bedrooms and dimly lit corridors of the Obamas luxurious estate on Martha’s Vineyard—celebrities and the political elite injecting Adrenochrome into one another.
A whistleblower wishing to remain anonymous, but whose credentials Real Raw News has verified, said attendees of Obama’s 60th birthday bash had to sign a prohibitive non-disclosure agreement forbidding them from sharing knowledge of party antics with the public. Persons refusing to sign the document were denied entry, our source said.
Once inside, however, guests were treated to visceral delights, live Deep State music, and Adrenochrome injections. The Adrenochrome flowed like cheap liquor, our source said.
Periodically throughout the night, a stocky man in a black suit and carrying a chrome metal case meandered about the crowd, asking guests if they wished to enjoy complimentary party favors. The case held syringes, our source said.
Guests who said yes were escorted two-by-two from the dance hall to a windowless, wood-panel hallway festooned on either side with photographs of the Obamas. The hallway terminated at a pair of outward swinging oaken doors, beyond which select guests engaged in Adrenochrome-fueled escapades.
“I’d been there only twenty minutes when a burly guy approached me. He opened a metal attaché case and inside I saw six menacing-looking syringes. I told him I didn’t want any, and jokingly added that I’d already been vaccinated. He glowered at me a moment without closing the case. I told him I didn’t do heroin. Then he said ‘this isn’t heroin. If you haven’t tried it before, it’s a lot better.’ I knew exactly what it was,” our source said.
Actors Bradly Cooper and Don Cheadle entered the room together, followed by Steven Spielberg and Chrissy Teagan. Nancy Pelosi and Obama’s former AG, Eric Holder, went into the chamber and emerged wearing huge smiles on their faces 20 minutes later.
“I never went to the room, but I heard guests whispering the word ‘adrenochrome’ and there was no doubt in my mind that these people were getting dosed. Alicia Keys, Pete Souza, Oprah—they were all doing it. If I had to count, I saw at least 20 people in all go in that room. They all came out energetic and smiling in ways that seemed, shall we say, unnatural,” our source said.
Equally disturbing was how guests referred to Obama, calling him “Mr. President” or—even more cringeworthy—“the forever president.”