I’m really upset with our officials in government who care nothing about the safety of legimate citizens yet defer to giving illegals money to live here expence free. Send all illegals back arrested.

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That’s for sure and the only political will our officials have is to outright destroy this country.

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Immigrants' earnings from work in the U.S. are majority exported back to the country of origin. Rubber Creepy Jorementia is working through on the Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, where Moscow refers to Rothschild dominated Russia of the 1980s. Destroy the U.S. economy and bring in 'competent' Rothschild British Empire management to fix it. The objective of this alliance, as well documented and foot noted in ex-Vatican cardinal pen named 'Avro Manhattan's book, 1982,' The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance', is the economic destruction of the U.S. and it has been in play for 200 years, backed by British Empire Rothschild bottomless pit fiat currency based on fractional lending. When we work as one, everybody earning their own UFO is a possibility. If a bloc of us believes in enslaving the others, we get a mess. Ship them home and tell them to have their families there grow more crops for them to eat.

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Well the Chinese have been doing it for years!

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