Good Lord, i hope this is true. Not that i wish death upon people.. however, Bill Gates is/was an evil maggot that preyed on the poor, uneducated, and weak --and he did so under the guise of medical health & illness prevention. He killed, and caused to suffer, so many innocent people who were just looking to be healthy or not fall victim to illness. The world would do well, to be rid of his murderous charade!

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REMEMBER that Bill Gates' father and gangster Jack Abramoff got underaged girls addicted to cocaine then fed them to the high school age Microsoft computer club. I have since the late 1980s seen ZERO evidence that ANY of my friends around for this feel any respect or friendship toward Bill Gates. Some of these people I knew for years.

I also was present at Seattle Democratic Party Headquarters(KCDCC) in 1983 for Hillary Clinton illegally buying and transporting across State Lines the 1914 Colt 0.38 revolver later found wiped clean of fingerprints on the dead body of Vince Foster, including Foster's. We made her remove it from her purse so we(I) could write down the serial numbers. Vince Foster evidently was murdered in the White House and carried out through the subway tunnel to be hauled to Marcey Park to be dumped where he was found. Hillary Clinton also had carpets in her quarters swapped out that day, and the old carpet used to haul out Foster by a group of Israeli Mossad agents ordered up for the chore(according to German Secret Service).

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