With doctors from around here taking bribes and/or dodging black mail, something more serious than arrests for 'reckless endangerment' need be. These sons of bitches were murdering people, and even a year long Starbuck's employee is smart enough to see it.

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I aced my microbiology class at the University of Washington 35 years ago, but acing means carving the info in stone on the inside of my skull, figuratively. Of the three people I told to NOT take the 'vaccine' and took all 4 shots, all died. Two were accountants at banking/trust companies overseeing accounts from the Hapuna Prince Hotel and Bremerton and Fort Lewis military bases. Those thoughts I had about WHY THEY got the bad batches were based on sound reasoning, given the nature of large scale drug and human trafficking. These thoughts do not go away, and resemble hordes of ants going about their daily business, scurrying but easy to follow. Expect no help from the FBI and CIA. New sheriff in town.

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