The 'Dooms Day' and NWO 'depopulation' issues are what repulsed me from working underground with these maggots to build these facilities. Like listening to Tupperware ads 24/7 for a year straight screamed out by a religious fanatic needing a better cause. No thanks.

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Indeed baffling. Save their butts so they can be part of the 5 million allowed to survive. Our government is our enemy.

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No. We tried that. A failed U.S. Government reverts to its ORIGINAL military confederation of states with a 'same-as-original' attempt at representative government fires up again. OUR GOVERNMENT did NOT fail us. The simple minded sheep addicted to Council on Foreign Relations programmed television rendered viewers stupid and willing to blindly believe life for convenience's sake. We now KNOW FOR A FACT that American news media has been funded by the central banking system of fiat currency based on fractional lending and all of the fraud that implies. Better luck next time. If your friends insist on watching CFR/CPU television, run away and stay far away. Their minds are conditioned to become inert, courtesy of the London Tavistock Institute, founded by the Rockefeller/British royal alliance. We never had a chance. We will this time. Tavistock gave us the 1960s LSD cult, Adolf Hitler, and every major propaganda campaign for the U.S. and the Brits over the past 100 years.

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