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The adrenaline rush involved with fighting should never be misconstrued as the blessing of God. God hands out the ability, but also handed out the human brain to analyze the situation as worthy of destroying one's opponent. The past Skull and Bones, Pilgrim Society, and British Freemason affiliated American military neglects to teach that the first 5 Presidents of the U.S. were indeed British Freemasons, but they all 5 violated their blood oath to be loyal to King George of England, the Freemason 'Grand Patron' of the time. 4 of these first 5 presidents died on July 4, 1826 and July 4 1831. John Quincy Adams ran on the 'Anti-Freemason' ticket and hid out to avoid assassination. Some of the deaths were by freemason physician. George Washington, for example, was bled to death by his doctor trying to eliminate 'ill humors' , demons, or some such. The 'COVID-19' of those days.

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