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Allow the ever dumbing down American sheeple to remain attached and sucking to their CFR programmed television sets limited to CFR propaganda, and the new Khazarian tenants will rejoice. The world knows what Rothschild/British Empire tyranny means and they will not let it happen. Wuhan was not that clever. It took all of one week to get the truth out that Harvard's Charles M. Lieber designed the biowarfare systems INCLUDING the Wuhan 4G/5G release and activation energy sources. He supervised the world wide 5G installations per the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep Plandemic. At the time, the strongest 5G grid in America was next to Bill Gates Kirkland Washington home and centered by a retirement home. They murdered 29 old people there in two weeks. America continued sucking, offering up their family members for sacrifice to the unknown world IGNORED by CFR television, newspapers, and radio. Not out of anything Satanic, unless you want to call utter stupidity Satanic. The LDS church, Church of England, Judaism, freemasonry, and street scum swooped down on the fools, killing millions world wide.

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